Friday, August 28, 2009

A Lovely Tour of My New Apartment, St. Kitts Style

Hey Everyone,

So I spent all of last night trying to put together a video of my apartment. I failed miserably and ended up with this 8 part series, which I could be happier with. Regardless, I had a lot of fun doing it until the first four attempts wouldn't upload. I like the video thing, if it ever works for me. So here is the tour if you will:

Much love to all of you.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Week 2: More Music and Some See Ya Latahhhhs

Dear Berwyn,

This is a combinatorial post regarding some departure and some music.

First and foremost, I love all of you guys. Leaving Berwyn, much less the US is going to be tough, but its never really a goodbye it's a see you later. Thanks so much for all of the love and such (the cell cake and beers were awesome!). Everyone is welcome to visit for my 15 month stint so hopefully see you all then! Not to beat a broken record, but I love all you cuties tons. I'll keep in touch more than welcome, post some tropical pictures, and be on gchat all time long whenever I am not super busy.

Secondly, I'll put up some more music and hopefully you guys will enjoy it!

Check out for Radiohead's new song "These are My Twisted Words."

Sufjan Stevens' Illinois is one of my favorite albums. It's just gorgeous.

There is also a new Deadmau5 album for those who enjoy techno/house/minimalism.

Last, but not least, El Michels Affair made this album called Enter the 37th Chamber. Its funk covers of Wu-Tang songs minus the lyrics.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Big sky country is a lone-star state,
but the reward of being away is
realizing how much you love the
people who have come to fill your
life. Even the trivial walk down
Berwyn seems something of a
pleasure in hindsight. All things
considered, Texas has been amazing.
Seeing family and focusing myself
has been a gift that I plan to use


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Umapper link


I love you all


So many posts so quickly! I love you all so much, and I'm so glad that we're already using this hard. I invited most or all of you all to be an admin here, but let me know if for whatever reason that isn't working.

Let's get creative with this! If you all have any idea you want to see here, let me know! Between me Eric and Len, I'd say we have enough HTML/website experience to handle some fresh bizz, not to mention that almost all of you all have blogs of your own.

Something I'm trying to get up here soon is an interactive map so we can update where we are and where we're heading. One goal of the blog for me is to coordinate Berwyn adventures around the globe. I feel so happy to have amazing people in so many amazing beautiful places, and I'm only sad that I can't be everywhere at once.

Another thing I'd really like to see happen here is planning for Berwyn II. We have all been talking about this for a while, and by now you all know how serious I am about this. Seems to me that the timeframe is two years for most everyone, and in that time I'm going to be learning, brainstorming, planning for the eventual farm/commune/berwyn love fest. This can be our spot to archive everything we all learn, especially you farmers (looking at you mich amy steve and christian :P, wow that list keeps getting longer).

Berwyn is such a strong force in all of our lives, and I'm so glad to see people looking at this phase as just a phase and not the end all be all. Environments change, but in the end we're all just entering the next chapter of our lives and our relationships. Change seems the scariest right before it happens, and after that we realize that really not too much has changed. I gotta say, if my grandchildren don't know all your grandchildren, I'll be heartbroken.

I'm babbling but I'm just so excited to know all of you and to share my life with you. So much love always!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Week 1: Music from the Mind of Pearce

So I've been trying to wrap my head around the best way to share music over the blog as we all have been consistently swapping flash drives loaded with all sorts of tunes. I want to still be able to do something of the sort when I am thousands of miles away.

About once a week I am going to try to through up a few links (mediafire/megaupload/sendspace/rapidshare/etc...) of music that I've been listening to a lot or stuff I know a few of you may love. They usually won't be my links so they will most likely die eventually. So grab them when you can! Most will be rar and zip files.

To start this off:

A new Radiohead song "Harry Patch (In Memory of)" that is actually also available on their website for one pound!
Or free here:

I've listened to these two albums by Passion Pit more than anything else in the last few weeks. They aren't the best band ever and aren't even really close, but every time "Better Things" comes on it makes me hella happy and want to dance. Maybe you'll feel the same way?

Chunk of Change EP (2008):
Manners (2009):

To round up this first post I'll put up something that I know James will love. Simian Mobile Disco just came out with a new album this last week and it certainly has some moments that will make rumps get out of their seats and dance a wee bit.

Temporary Pleasure (2009):


The Yes Men Fix The World

WATCH THIS DOCUMENTARY... or at least check out the trailer and website online. I don't think it's actually out in the U.S. currently. However, the film is available on Comcast On Demand (I just watched it with my dad last night).


Here is a description from their website:

THE YES MEN FIX THE WORLD is a screwball true story about two gonzo political activists who, posing as top executives of giant corporations, lie their way into big business conferences and pull off the world's most outrageous pranks.

From New Orleans to India to New York City, armed with little more than cheap thrift-store suits, the Yes Men squeeze raucous comedy out of all the ways that corporate greed is destroying the planet.

BrĂ¼no meets Michael Moore in this gut-busting wake-up call that proves a little imagination can go a long way towards vanquishing the Cult of Greed.

Who knew fixing the world could be so much fun?"

Saturday, August 15, 2009

What the fuck

There is no point in me trying to describe this in words. You have to watch the video for yourself:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Blogging is apparently fun

I have to second what Tasha has said. I know i'm extremely excited to see what everyone is up to and that we can have an easy way to let each other know about different things going on/travel plans to their neck of the woods. Good to see we've started actually utilizing it. I miss you guys and look forward to hearing from everyone.

Hey Berwyn!

i like the fact that we're spreading our bewryn constellation so far and wide... it doesn't seem as if any love is lost across the space of the continent, so all i'm left with is the joy of knowing that I've got peeps well represented all across this huge interconnected web- cali, austin, vancouver, nevada, florida, philedelphia, new york, washington/oregon, washington d.c. and now berwyn goes Caribbean ... to st. kitts. It feels good to share berwyn love with other parts of the world :-) And I'm expecting that someday we'll all come together again in one way or another... but who knows where? That's the exciting part. Til then, I'm glad we have this cyber space to share and use for whatever purpose of connectedness we feel we need! i love you all... forsureburgers. Mmmmmwah!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hello from Willits!

Hey guys!
So I don't know if the point of this is to share cool things, or to talk about our new experiences, or both. But, I really enjoy the fact that Berwyn is expanding it's horizons. I am now on the Green Uprising farm in Willits, CA, about to milk the goats. The two that run the farm, Sara and Michael, are ex-political science professors from the DC area. Now, they live on a 6 acre farm with two other households of extended family. No one is rich here, and sometimes the lack of money is stressful, but the food here is plentiful and healthy and everyone is very happy. Its a great lifestyle that I someday hope to have myself.

I do however miss the city. I miss meeting new people everyday, but I enjoy sitting down after a long day of work in the hot sun. I am not sure if after this I will come back to DC or go to San Francisco, but I'm leaning towards SF if I can find a job and/or a friend to help me out with a place to crash while I look for one. I'd love to hear about everyones new adventure experiences.

I also have a personal blog if any of you are into that, at:

Check this link

I came across this site:

It's got a ton of stuff to read about all of the different components of the global environmental situation. Here's a blurb from the homepage to wet your willy:

"Never before have our emerging environmental crises been laid out so clearly before us. Rather than shouting from the fringes, respected economists, scientists, and politicians are sounding the warnings in high-profile journals and the halls of government -- warnings that our oceans are dying, that the ice shelves are melting, and that we are setting ourselves up for the most massive and devastating market failure humanity has ever seen.

So we recycle our garbage. We vote greener. We buy sleek, new hybrid cars and fill our houses with energy-efficient light bulbs. And we put our money and faith in the brave and ingenious technologies that will rescue us from the whirlwind.

But it won't be enough. Because this is not, fundamentally, a technological problem. Nor is it, fundamentally, a political problem. This is a problem of appetites, and of narcissism, and of self-deceit. The planet is breaking, and it is breaking under the weight of our hunger for more. To reform the world, we must first reform ourselves."

Everyone can login themselves now


So I've invited everyone that I could remember the email address of off the top of my head. We're allowed up to 100 people who can sign in.

Fresh Blog. I wonder if rather than signing in to the same account we could allow access to whoever wanted to post something. that way we could see who posted what.
Yooooo. Ya'll should "follow" the blog if you have Gmail. You can set that up by clicking on the icon on the right hand side of the blog page. I think it will send you updates by email when someone posts. Anyways, that would be mad pref.


Berwyn Love!


Here it is! Start blogging berwyners!

I'll try to get a interactive world map soon but for now use it for w/e you all see fit